虎年 – Year of the Tiger

2022 年 2 月 1 日

February 1, 2022

新年快乐! 恭喜发财!

Happy New Year! Wish you prosperity and wealth!

对于我们家来说,农历新年是按照中国传统来庆祝的。 我们是一个混合家庭。 我的妻子是来自马来西亚的华人,我们有两个女儿,他们的孩子住在马来西亚。 在我这边,我们有一个女儿和她的丈夫在加拿大,一个儿子和他的妻子在英国

For our family, the Lunar New Year is celebrated with Chinese traditions. We are a blended family. My wife is Chinese from Malaysia, on her side of the blend we have two daughters, with their children, who live in Malaysia. On my side of the blend we have a daughter with her husband in Canada and a son with his wife in England.

由于农历新年对我们家来说是一件重要的事情,所以我选择用中英文写这篇博文。 我使用谷歌翻译,它做得非常好(虽然不完美)。

Due to the fact that Chinese New Year is an important event to our family, I have chosen to do this blog post in both Chinese and English. I use Google Translate which does a most excellent (although not perfect) job.

在新的一年里,我代表我自己和我的家人,向所有人致以健康、幸福和成功的祝福。 愿我们在和平、和谐与理解中生活在一起,共享这个地球。

For the coming year, on behalf of myself and my family, I sent along wishes for good health, happiness and success, to all. May we live together, sharing this earth, in peace, harmony and understanding.

谢谢!- Thank you!

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